Monday, September 8, 2008

Dilemmas of a young Adventist: Finding the right Job

A young Adventist, after finishing a college degree, hunts for a job. He applies in different companies. In his first application he makes it to the final interview and is told that he is most suited for the job, but at the final interview he is asked if he can work on Saturdays. This comes as a shock to the young man, he pauses for a while to think, then politely answers that he is not able to. The interviewer tries to convince the young man that there is nothing bad in working during Saturdays, and assures him that God will understand. The young Adventist again politely answers with a firm NO. He is then informed that the company cannot hire him. He is dismissed and he leaves the company premises teary eyed. The same scenario replays itself seven times in his quest for a job. Second, third, fourth, fifth time, he gets frustrated and starts to question God. In the sixth instance he starts to entertain working on Sabbath, and in the seventh time he accepts the job even though he has to work on Saturdays. He completely turns his back on his religious principles and turns away from God. He then becomes successful and amasses a fortune and becomes an elite of this nation. He is never seen in the church ever again. The man dies of a heart attack at age 60.

This is a dilemma for most Adventist young people. You try to apply for a job and you get rejected just because you can’t work on Saturday. As Adventists, we should not see this as something negative, but as an experience to grow from. This is a test of faith that will determine how strong you really are. Do not expect that life will be easier after finishing school, it is not. Do not expect that you will get a job right after graduating from college. Reality bites, and temptations wait. The enemy has many tactics and this is one of them. You will be offered a job, with a salary way over your expectations, but the condition is you will have to work on Saturdays. I remember my first time in applying for a job. My initial interview went well, but at my second interview, I was asked if I could work on Saturday, and I said, “No.”. I was dismissed and I left the interview room in despair. I applied in another company and I was lucky enough to make it in the final interview, and was accepted for the job. During the contract signing, I realized that I was obliged to work on some Saturdays. I thought to myself, “I could probably negotiate my schedule.” – This would turn out differently. My entire seven months in the job was not very productive. My relationship with the Lord was at its lowest. Realizing my mistake, I earnestly prayed to the Lord for a way out, and He did not deny me my request. At the end of the seventh month, I was transferred to Manila, and was given a very desirable work schedule Monday to Friday; 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, and I am proud to say I was also given a raise. Praise the Lord for that!

A lot have fallen, like the young Adventist and I, but I pray that you will not fall into this trap. Stand firm in the principles that we hold dear. Pray and let the Holy Spirit guide you. Do not lose hope for God has plans for you and me. But “in case” you fall, and I hope you don’t, ask Him for help. He helped my escape; I am very much sure He will help you too.

Keep in mind that earthly things are temporary and that our goal is not in this world. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36 (KJV)

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